Are you a citizen of a country outside the European Union and European Economic Area and would like to pursue professional activities in Romania? For starters, you must check if the profession you want to practice is recognized by the special laws governing the exercise of the respective profession in Romania by foreign citizens. (See list of special laws)
The next step is obtaining a long stay visa for professional activities from the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania. (See list of these).
If you want a long stay visa for professional activities, you must submit the following documents:
– proof of meeting the legal conditions for exercising the respective profession;
– proof that in the home country you practiced a similar profession and you wish continue practicing it in Romania;
– proof of medical insurance valid through the duration of the visa;
– criminal record certificate or other document with the same legal value.
The visa fee is 120 Euros and is paid in state where you make your request.
As an internal procedure, the long stay visa receives approval of the National Visa Center only after having obtained the favorable opinion of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. The favorable opinion is issued within 30 days of receiving the request, with the possibility to extend the deadline by 15 days.
The long stay visa is granted for a period of 90 days, with one or more trips.
After entering Romania you must obtain a residence permit. It certifies your right to stay in Romania and you can obtain it from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration from the county you live in. To obtain a residence permit, you will submit personally a series of documents at least 30 days before the expiry of the right to stay granted by the visa. You also have the possibility to submit the documents through the online service, available at https://portaligi.mai.gov.ro/portaligi/
To extend the right of residence (obtaining the residence permit) for professional activities you must submit the following documents:
– application;
– the border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) in original and duplicate;
– proof that you effectively exercise the professional activity under the conditions described by the special law;
– proof of means of support amounting to at least the average monthly gross salary for the period during which you are requesting the extension of the right to stay;
– proof of legal ownership of the living space (original and copy);
– proof of social health insurance;
– medical certificate;
– fees.
The residence permit is renewed at least 30 days before the expiry date of the previous one.
The application for the granting or the extension of the right of residence shall be solved within 30 days from the date of its submission. In cases where further checks are required, the deadline for solving the application may be extended by as long as 15 days.